In 1995, Robert Kushner and Craig Hartenstine among others were the first to start playing on a small field that is about a 10 minute hike up Mount Austin Road from the Peak Tram station. The field on one side has a slope at the end of the end zone so that if you did a layout to score, you would often disappear over the edge and tumble down through bushes getting seriously scraped along the way.
In 1996, Trevor Daughney got the bright idea to set up HKUPA as an officially recognized sports association so that we could book real fields from the LCSD. Natalie Hawkins, Tom Nunan, Steven Lee joined Trevor as the original founding members of HKUPA.
That same year, I played my first Hat Tournament ever in Taipei along with Gui Raynaud, Natalie Ackerman, Chris Battersby and Anu Parekh. Also in 1996. HK organized its first beach hat competition in Disco Bay which I remember winning with Steven Lee. 1997 saw the first international competition in Hong Kong -- the Handover Tournament...better known as the Turnover Tournament. Teams from Korea, Singapore and Taipei came over while Hong Kong split up into two teams including the one I was on -- Tommy's Commies.