The Greatest Ultimate Bag had a blast at the Shanghai Open this past weekend. Congrats to HUWA for winning the A pool championship, and to Finals MVPs and all around greatest players Tomoko Iwago (Chairman Weird) and Jeff Larson (Huwa) for winning the first two Greatest Bags!
Kat Tse accepts the Greatest Bag on behalf of Finals MVP Tomoko Iwago
Jeff Larson - every MVP's jersey should be this dirty
A hearty thanks to the Shanghai Ultimate Players Association and TD Geoff Ng for hosting another great SHO - the biggest (and most fun) tournament in China – and Dax Haaz for hosting a helluva party. Thanks also to Jared Cahners, Neil Gysel, Madeline Stephenson, Katherine Tse and all of the other players who offered their interest, feedback and support.
Players eager to get a look at the Greatest Ultimate Bag
Vince Cong and Yuri Melnychuk modeling a Greatest Bag
Next stop – London: keep an eye out for the Greatest Ultimate Bag at the World Ultimate and Guts Championships 2016!